Birth Your Way Jax


Breastfeeding Your Baby

I am a strong advocate of feeding babies what nature intended them to have in their early years - their own mother's milk. Man-made synthetic imitators of breastmilk ("formula") are grossly inferior to woman-made breastmilk. Breastmilk is the original *REAL THING* (my apologies to CocaCola's marketing department). Studies have consistently shown that babies who are not breastfed have long term and short term health consequences and reduced acuity in their reflexes and IQ, and both Mom and Baby miss out on the normal bonding process that occurs when mothers experience the hormone production associated with breastfeeding (If you find this language unusually strong, read "Watch Your Language!" by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC). In addition, I believe strongly in child-led weaning, and both of my children breastfed until they were ready to stop. Here are some links to good breastfeeding information:

If you're are planning on returning to the workforce, you may be wondering how you will combine breastfeeding with your return to employment. See my section on working and breastfeeding to learn how you can!



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